Wednesday, 28 April 2010


I was in the car with my dad and out of nowhere he said "Yes Bruv! Yes Bruv!"  I was slightly confused until he pointed at the number plate on the car in front of it!

Monday, 26 April 2010


Have you heard of David Thorne?

David Thorne is an Australian humourist, satirist, Internet personality and author.  Thorne gained public recognition when he received media attention for one of his email exchanges, in which he attempts to pay an overdue bill with a drawing of a seven-legged spider.  The vehicle for the story spread via email as an image containing the exchange and shortly after people were flocking to his website 27b/6 (  His website is a collection of various humourous stories and accounts from Thorne's own life.  Much of Thorne's humour is autobiographical and self-deprecating, often concerning his immediate family and work associates. (from wikipedia)

Click below on 2 of the articles on his site that I just read:

Friday, 16 April 2010

from here