Thursday, 22 October 2009

Obnoxious people have the right to freedom of speech too, don’t they?

by Obey

Tonight, Nick Griffin leader of the BNP will be on BBC Question Time.  The BBC say that any legitimate political party who has obtained seats in the European parliament should be allowed on the program, regardless of their views and policies.  Many other people disagree and are outraged that the BBC (funded by the us - license payers) is giving a platform on live television to such a racist organisation which only allows white members.

This article (where I stole my title from) says some good stuff..


  1. Mixed feelings. Mostly against them having the right. I know that everyone should have the right, but...

  2. we live in a democracy (even though sometimes it is easy to forget that!) and we are lucky to have the freedom of speech...

    you can't hide away these people, and ban them from appearing. they will just get a stronger underground following. instead, Nick Griffin appeared last night and came across as the disgusting, thick man that he is.

  3. even though it bothers me to hear what they have to say...i still agree that they have the right and like you said "i like.." they will just get a stronger underground following...

  4. that's the thing, if the government attempted to actively fight them they would get even more publicity and be in the press all the time gathering followers. Griffin did a right tit of himself on question time and proved that NBP are a bunch of racists.

    The image - inspired by Rodchenko, isn't it?

  5. @sneaky magpie..yes it is inspired by rodchenko. see here for more info!
