Friday, 25 September 2009

Revolution on Paper


New show at the British Museum called Revolution on Paper- Mexican prints 1910-1960.

    "Between 1910 and 1920, Mexico was convulsed by a socialist revolution that aimed to topple the elite ruling class and improve conditions for society at large. The left-wing government which emerged laid great emphasis on art as a vehicle to promote the values of the revolution. Walls of public buildings were covered with vast murals, and workshops made prints for mass distribution."


  1. oh there was a great exhibition a few years ago in montréal re: mexican art...always exciting and something that should be seen in person!
    as i am sure is the case with this show...;))

  2. oh cool! that has convinced me...must make the effort to see this one..should really fit it into my weekend like sneaky magpie always seems to do!

  3. That's it. I'm going!! Maybe I'll see you there.

  4. Oh, I really really want to see this exhibition. Next week after I have my life back hopefully!

  5. agreed..thats a kool exhibition that needs to be checked!
