Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Museum of Small Things M.O.S.T.

Selfridges London host the M.O.S.T from this Friday for 1 month in their dedicated exhibition space called the Ultralounge.  

The Museum of Small Things will inspire visitors to open wide their eyes and to slowly look, and then look again, at the world they inhabit. M.O.S.T. will house priceless gems too subtle to compete with the show-stopping technology of the modern world. Modest masterpieces under-valued in cultures where biggest is better and mega, if achievable, is best, will be centre-stage. The variety on display in this museum will dynamically demonstrate how the lines between all forms of visual expression have become blurred. Exhibits range across images, objects, moving pictures, ideas, detritus and treasures.

Don't miss it!

Check the M.O.S.T. blog for updates

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