The Olympics are invariably used as a testing ground for new security technologies, and London 2012 will be no exception. Britain is by far the world leader in CCTV with 4.2 million cameras, more than the rest of Europe put together, and is planning a huge increase in surveillance measures for the Olympics, specifically with the use of drones.
Drones or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have been used in Iraq and Afganistan, and were originally developed as warfare, but have been slowly creeping their way into the UK, and will be commonplace in 2012, after the successful trial at the Olympic Welcome celebrations.
AirRobot UK produces them, and says this on their site:
"The AR100B can fly silently through the air or hover while transmitting live images to the operator at the ground station. The silent operation and size of the platform allows aerial surveillance to be carried out in built up residential urban areas as well as rural locations without causing any disturbances. The unit can also 'perch and stare' from a solid platform allowing the operator to capture hours of footage from an out of view vantage point."